Call of Leadership

The Call of Leadership

Mountain Town Station Restaurant Website

Mountain Town Station Facebook Page


Cliff Duvernois: [00:00:00] hello everyone. And welcome to the podcast. My name is Cliff Duvernois your host today, we’ve got Jim Holton with us. On the line and he is the owner and manager of a litany of different restaurants, family restaurants that are located around Michigan. And we’re going to cover all those different restaurants today in the interview. But please welcome So the show, Jim Holton, Jim, how are you?


Jim Holton, Mountain Town Restaurant Group: [00:00:53] Doing a cliff. How are you doing today?

Cliff Duvernois: [00:00:55] tell us a little bit about where you’re from and where you grew up. bit about where you’re from and where you grew up. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:00:59] originally from my mother. I grew up in a small town. Other Michigan Pinckney, Michigan went to pink, new high school. down there. Near near Ann Arbor, Brighton Howell area. And I came to central Michigan university by re-upped chips to be a meteorologist. And during that time in school, I, hear a little hobby of brewing beer. 

And I enjoyed that a lot. I love the creativity side of beer and the artistry that they’ve had. And I thought, wow, it’d be kind of interesting to open up a brewery and maybe a restaurant in the town of Mount pleasant. And 25 years ago, I was able to start a restaurant called mountain town station. 

Which is housed in an old train Depot, right in downtown the heart of downtown Mount pleasant. And that’s where it started. So that was my start of my restaurant career. And it was a exponential learning curve. I wanted to brew beer. Didn’t want anything to do with the restaurant industry or business. 

But just kind of got thrust into it. And you had to learn the hard way along the ways from dish washing, to bartending, to cleaning to everything you could think of. And I’m still doing it 25 years later. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:02:02] So I gotta ask this question and take a step back here. So you originally were going into meteorology. What will be, do decide to pick that as a 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Restaurant Group: [00:02:11] Yeah. You know, as a, as a younger kid science fair, I built a little weather kit. You know, talking about what a barometer does and the anemometer. And I was just fascinated by weather and, and central has a wonderful meter logical program. So I started going through that. And, I never finished my degree in meteorology. I transferred over to a business and economics and got my bachelor of science degrees in those fields. And just never finished that, that degree, unfortunately. 

And, it probably had to do with some of my beer making. I have to admit, but you never know. You never know, you know, I wouldn’t mind going back and finishing that degree, but I’m still fascinated by whether I still predict I still am of those amateur meteorologist still at. That enjoys that part of life. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:02:54] Wow. That’s absolutely fascinating. And I know you said that you got into, you know, doing, doing the home brew. What was it that made you decide. What does it mean to you to decide to do it? 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:03:04] You know, I’m a roommate at the time. And my sophomore year, introduced me to a gentleman who actually made his own beer at home. And I’m like, you can make your own beer. you know, I was. Beer making, as you know, in college, the Keystone light and the natural light to the world. That is your world of drinking beer. The light American style lager or ails. So, I saw something with some color to it and flavor to it and like, well, if he can make this, I can make it.

So I did a little research, got a book and read about, bring your own beer. Something that, Jimmy Carter did as president, which would allow home brewing. You have signed that into law. And so got myself a couple of five gallon buckets and check valves. And empty bottles that I went to a local distributor with ed, the flip top caps on it, and I started brewing my own beer and that’s how it started off. And I really was fascinated by it. And the things that you can do with it, it’s just like baking a cake. 

You know, you have different recipes, you have different styles and every time you do it, it might be just a little bit different. And that’s what I really liked about the craft beverage industry. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:04:04] Yeah, I was just thinking when you said that, my, my roommate and I in college, we actually tried this on our own, 

uh, and without, you know, bought the kit and we’re trying to make it, we got it into some bottles and. You know, popped it open and it was bad.

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Restaurant Group: [00:04:20] That doesn’t happen. And I got to admit, I had a few of myself that way, sanitation.

Is so key in brewing beer is write down. So a very, a medical science. So that was one of the first lessons I learned as well. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:04:33] Nice. Nice Iceland. So. 

You decided to take your love of beer to the next level and open up, you know, open up, open up, you know, a brewery. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:04:43] In restaurant? Yes.

Cliff Duvernois: [00:04:43] Yeah. And restaurant, what, what made you think that. Yeah. 

And I have to ask this question because being in the restaurant business is tough. So what made you think that you could actually like do this and be successful at it? 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:04:56] Yeah. So here again, a young kid.

Just getting out of college, trying to figure out what to do with his life. With an economics and business degree and a love and passion and passion for beer. You know, I hooked up with a gentleman that was in the restaurant business. And so our partnership was going to start off and he was going to take her the restaurant side. I would take care of the beverage side. 

And I thought that would work out fantastic. As partnership goals. Sometimes those things don’t work out and the partner left, mountain town station. And so I was given the task to run everything. And so I was basically a thrust into it and I had my life into it at this point in time. And so I figured out a way to make it work. 

And so I called on people that were in the restaurant industry to get tips of the trade and I was willing to do anything possible to make it work. I was working a hundred hour weeks in the business. I was changing menu items, getting a lot of customer feedback and just learning the trade again. It was an exponential at first. 

Five 10 years. To try to get better at it every single day. And you’re right. It’s not the easiest business in the world, but I tell you, I wouldn’t give it up. The passion. Is there the fun excitement, the people that you meet? It’s just everyday is something different. And that’s what I really like about this industry. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:06:12] Nice. Excellent. So. 

Not only did you, you open up. your first restaurant, but it looks like your family. Yeah. Because I know that your family is involved with a lot of family restaurant. So why don’t you just walk us through the list of all the restaurants that, that you’re, that you. That you currently own or manage? 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:06:35] Okay. So we start off with our mothership. We call it mountain town station. And so mountain town is our that’s where my home base is. That’s where my office is. And that’s what we’re doing this interview at this moment. And then, we decided to take our beer again, a lot of requests for beer. And so we started a business called Mount pleasant brewing company, which was a microbrewery. 

And so that was in a separate location and that was a bottle kegging and canning facility to get beer across the Midwest. Because, you know, 10, 15 years ago there weren’t a lot of microbreweries out there. Like there are today. And so we want to try to capture that market and shelf space and your local stores to a, your favorite bar and restaurant having beer on tap. So again, 

Hiring a staff in brewmasters and things like that. And we start expanding that, that project itself. We then moved into, you know, I w I was looking, there was a beautiful restaurant in town that had gone out of business, and there was space lacking, a little bit more of a finer dining caliber. And so we started Camille’s prime. 

Camille’s prime is a prime steak house. So it’s fresh loan in seafood prime steaks, an extensive wine list. We were featured in wine spectator magazine. 

Uh, you get the nice intimate dining experience around 70 seats, couple of fireplaces. So when you get your reservation, sit down, it really truly is an experience. that you have, that’s something different that wasn’t in this community. Back then. All of that. I’m down in a small town called Elma. Michigan Elmo is a great town Alma college. 

Down there. And I was walking around downtown and I’m like, you know, a town like this should have a brewery in it as all talent should. up. We opened up Elma, brewing company down there and the community and the town. Couldn’t be more welcoming with what we did down there. that’s about a seven year old restaurant down there, hard to downtown the old brick style building that are kind of long and narrow inside, have a lot of history to them. 

just a beautiful little location. We brew nice beers down there as well. it’s a great, great community restaurant down there for those folks. Down there. Then we opened up the summit smokehouse. Now that actually attaches to our microbrewery. And so, you know, here I am on my back porch, all these a couple of years, and I’m smoking brisket, pulled pork and ribs, smoke and turkeys. 

Just having a good time with it. And I wanted to take that to the next level. So we opened the summit smokehouse. That isn’t a warehouse style building, double garage doors that open up, you know, in the summertime. So you get that breeze coming through that you can smell that smoke that Hickory and Mesquite blend that we use to smoke are meets with. 

just a great, great smokehouse, barbecue restaurant with a litany of craft beers. Again that we brew on site from there. And believe it or not. Call me crazy, but I decided to open up one more restaurant called St. John’s brewing company. And beautiful downtown St. John’s and we open up that up in December 1st and now we only opened up with carry out because remember back then, 

we are only, carry out only the governance shot. For dine-in customers. 

So we decide to open up with carry out and it’s been a very successful down there with carry out. People are enjoying the products and that’s a high bred restaurant. Between a small couch, like the summit and mountain town station with their blooming onion and their scotch eggs and they’re world famous ribs, things like that. So that’s far enough away. 

And so we’re bringing kind of the best of our, our recipes from, are there certain restaurants to St. John’s and once again, you couldn’t find a more welcoming community, whether it’s the downtown business associations, my neighbors down there, the city commission. The mayor has just been a wonderful experience to open up this restaurant. 

In downtown St. John’s. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:10:09] Excellent. And so what I’d like to do is cause you’ve got like a whole litany of these. Of the, of the restaurants that are here, what is it when you decide, you know, Hey, this is a good place to open up. you know, a restaurant, what makes you decide like the type of restaurant, like for instance, you were talking about, you know, the smokehouse and Camille’s prime, what, what is it that, that you sit there and say to yourself, you know what, this would be really good for a steakhouse right here. What’s. 

What drives that decision? 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Restaurant Group: [00:10:36] It really is the feel the competition and, and what’s, what’s available in that community and surrounding area, you know, you know, I looked around Mount pleasant and there was no dine-in. Barbecue restaurants. That were around here. And I like to stay up with the trends that are going on out there. What’s hot. What’s not. 

Type of thing. So I knew that had to be successful when we opened that at Mount pleasant and it was. You know, when you go to like places like Elma and St. John’s, they do have some great local establishments. But not a lot of them. And there’s always room for that. One more because normally your customers will go out to eat two to three times a week. 

And so when you only have an offer and maybe one or two restaurants, there’s room for another restaurant that won’t hurt other ones in town and actually drive business in because people will drive into town for that restaurant. And then they’ll, they’ll see the other restaurants that are there and try them the next time they’re in town. 

so it’s a win-win for everybody. And I just get that feeling, those communities that, That, yeah, this would be a good spot for it. I find a location. I can envision the look of the building on the inside and think, wow, what I want to dine here or not those types of things. So it really comes down to the emotional part of it, but also a little bit of scientific work on what’s out there, know your surroundings, know your competition, and hopefully it works. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:11:51] Awesome. Great. Now with regards to, cause I know we’ve, we’ve hit on this topic and I want, I want to make sure that we do a deep dive because I know there’s a lot of listeners out there that, are very serious about the. The craft of the beer. The brew pub the microbrewery. so for, for this right here, is this something that you were, you know, cause I know you’re managing these places, it’s just something that you’re still intricately involved with. Do you have a brew master? 

That, you know, that you’ve employed to help you try these different types of beers. What, how does that, how does that dynamic work? 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:12:21] That’s one of the unfortunate parts of getting a little bit larger in your organization is idle. I’m a certified brewmaster and I haven’t brewed a batch of beer in years. Unfortunately. So I hire the talent and the good news is they can’t snow me. On there they’re either performance or their knowledge of beer, because I know it myself, which is really nice. 

And so I have a great team, a brewers that work in our main mothership during company. A mountain town brewing that, that really handle everything. There’s a person that runs the seller program. So that’s the person that will keg can, and bottle of beer when necessary. When the orders come in a main brewmaster that brews the batches of beer, but we also have let the guys do their specialty batches. So everyone involved in the brewery can brew their own batch of beer in a small quantity. 

We talk about a small quantity. It’s about 10 to 15 kegs worth. 

And so they get to play around in two years ago. Well, we did almost 400 different beers. that we’re able to provide to our customer. So 400 different styles of beer. So we didn’t want to, we have our core brands obviously are train wreck and other beers like that, that our core brand, but let’s get out there because people like that variety sometimes. And so we will go with the flow and if it’s a holiday beer, it could be a spring seasonal. It could be a locally grown ingredients, beer. 

it could be just fun, just fun beers. And so that’s what I want the guys to do. I want them, if they’re going to be brewing beer and have some fun with what they’re doing and you could actually feel on tastes that passion and that beer that they brew, it’s theirs. You know, and they’re proud of it. We do the unveiling, we get the picture with the pint glass in their hand, and then our mud club group comes out and drinks and it’s just, just the overall great great event. We tap a new keg. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:14:01] Nice. Absolutely love it. And I know that because I know you mentioned before a train wreck. the, the, you know, the beers that you’re brewing, if, you know, if there’s like, if I’m driving on the road and I see like, you know, a Myers grocery store, are your, are your bruise available and there for people to buy.

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:14:16] My beers are available and a lot of retail locations. out in the state of Michigan, I can’t mention them because it’s actually illegal for me to mention the locations. 

Out there and believe it or not, but yeah, many, many location, many retailers out there have it in bottle and can form. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:14:32] so I’m going to have to ask this question and forgive my ignorance. Why is it illegal for you to mention the places where the people can actually get your beer? 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:14:41] Yeah. So being a manufacturer, there are laws on the books with the liquor control commission called aiding and abetting. so I would actually be aiding a retailer by stating their name, and we found that out the hard way. And so that’s why, I can’t mention the names of those locations in that crazy.

Cliff Duvernois: [00:14:57] Yeah, that’s crazy. I’m sorry for, you know, 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:15:00] That’s okay. No, no, I, I get that question all the time when I’m okay with it, but I also know how to avoid being fined. 

How about that?

Cliff Duvernois: [00:15:09] Man. I, okay. I hear you there rather. You definitely. Yeah, you definitely don’t want to do that. And that’s actually part of the reason why I do this podcast because I’m, I’m getting exposed to new things all the time. And I had, I had no idea that this was. You by you mentioning the name of a store would actually qualify as aiding and abetting. And I think of like, you know, somebody’s hiding a, an escaped murderer in their basement or something, you 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:15:30] Exactly right. You know, and so definitely if you have a retailer that you like and you buy your beer from ask them to get it, because we do distribute to every location in the state of Michigan

and Northern Indiana. So we cover all those areas.

Cliff Duvernois: [00:15:45] Now when you’re, you know, you let your brew masters go, is it just, you know, carte blanche, you know, create, just create a, something that’s good. Do you have like, you know, guidelines, are you leaning more towards, you know, making sure that they stick with, you know, maybe, you know, like, you know, like local ingredients, like let’s say that you guys make a cherry beer or something like that. 

How does, how does that whole process work? 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Restaurant Group: [00:16:07] The answer that is yes. 

To all those questions, 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:16:09] I love it. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:16:10] to, they can brew whatever they want to brew. It is really up to them. The main goal, it must be drinkable. Obviously we do not want to waste a beer from there and you need to practice the proper guidelines on brewing a beer. Obviously, sanitation is key, but you also have to make something that’s drinkable. So. 

I gotta tell you in the years that I’ve been letting the brewmaster. Go at it. I can’t tell you if one beer that I said, I would never want to drink this. I would never want to sell it, or we have to dump it. And so I’m going to knock on wood that’s to say that. They just they’re professionals and they know what they know, and they do a great job at it. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:16:45] Excellent. Nice. And with regards to. you know, coming up with the, with the different kinds of beers, what are, what are some of the inspiration that, you know, that, that these, you know, the brewmasters come up with or, you know, what is, what is, what is that, Yeah, I guess, what is the inspiration for these bears? 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:17:02] Yeah, it’s interesting. Isn’t it? You know, I told you a mountain town station is near a railroad track, so you might get a little train whistle come in here and just a few minutes. So. 

the inspirations really are seasonal. And so that’s where the inspiration comes from. So. You know, in your winter time, you have a little bit of a stronger alcohol beer, stronger flavored beer. Now you get the spring time. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:17:23] There’s the train. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:17:24] It might be coming by. that the spring time, you know, we’ve done a dandelion beer. We’ve done watermelon. We’ve done different parts of the season. Summertime we’ve used, in different ingredients that are in season, whether they’re fresh raspberries. from the raspberry farm down the road. 

Two fresh barley or Malt barley, that’s been malted just 10 miles down the road at a friend’s farm. So it allows seasonality goes into our beers. because that’s just how it works and that’s how it always worked back in the days, you know? And so, yeah, that’s what we do. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:17:57] That is absolutely great. And. So, what I’d like to do is, is, and I know you guys have a whole. You know, I know you’ve got a collection of restaurants. You’ve got a whole litany of. of these different beers to choose from. And, and obviously you like them all. But let’s, let’s take a step back here for a second. And let’s say that somebody is like, you know what? I’d like to try some of these beers. Right? What would be, what would be like maybe like your top three picks, if you were going to, if you’re going to taste our beers, these are the three that I would recommend you go look at. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:18:26] So number one, our flagship beer called the train wreck, and it’s named that for a reason. It is a little higher in alcohol content. And so you gotta be careful. You don’t want to turn into a train wreck if you have too many. But that beer is a dark Amber beer, but it’s brewed with Michigan maple syrup and honey. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:18:44] Oh, 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Restaurant Group: [00:18:45] So, what that does is when those sugars ferment out, the sweetness goes away, but it leaves us, those residual flavors inside there, which makes that beer very unique, tasting beer. So that’s the flagship number one that I think everyone should try out there. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:19:00] Okay. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:19:01] If you’re into a hoppy style, beer are iron horse IPA. Now this IPA is one of those that. You can drink it and say, wow, you know, I get the hop out of it. It’s, it’s, it’s a true IPA, but it’s not overwhelming to the point that it strips your taste buds out with too much bitterness. It’s really. An all around good flavor, good tasting Amber style, India, pale ale. 

that is, is a good seller for us, but as, as, But something that I like all day long. It’s great with ribs. It’s great with spicy foods. So it’s a good pairing with those items from there. And, you know, I don’t mind saying it, but I enjoy a good raspberry wheat beer and we make a raspberry wheat. It’s one of our third best selling beers that we have with fresh raspberry puree that we use in it. 

Now it’s no wine cooler. If it has that hint of raspberry in it. So it’s a, it’s a wheat beer on the base. So it’s like a wheat beer, but it also has that flavor profile and that look that you would see in a raspberry. And it’s just wonderful, very refreshing, very easy drinking. 

And, it’s great all year round, but especially in the summertime when you’re out by the pool. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:20:07] Yeah, I’ve actually become more and more of a fan of, of the wheat beers as time has gone by. I will admit that. When it comes to beers, I’m a little bit of a net debutante when it comes to these. And I seem to be sticking primarily more with the w you know, with the blondes. I am interested in trying, and I’ve actually seen iron horse on the shelf. So as soon as you said that, I was like, Oh, I know what that is. I would try iron horse because I just haven’t quite developed a palette. 

For IPA beer. So now I have it on. Good. I have it on, on good word, I guess I should say that usually you’re, you’re more advanced beer drinkers prefer the IPA. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:20:46] Yeah. but I’ve had a, also a novice beer drinkers enjoyed as well. It just has that good flavor profile. I think you’ll really enjoy. on that iron horse. It’s good. Wheat beers are great as well. Good for you. I’ll throw that out there. A lot of B12 in those wheat beers. I wouldn’t call it a health drink that’s for sure. But. 

At least, you know, you’re doing something good with those weeds.

Cliff Duvernois: [00:21:07] Yeah, unless you get fine for. First for saying that this is healthy for you. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Restaurant Group: [00:21:12] No, I don’t think so. We’ll find out won’t we. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:21:15] Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So, yeah, definitely don’t want to make that happen. so. 

And I know right now, we’re, we’re doing we’re we’re in the middle of this, you know, this, this covert thing. And hopefully by the time this interview airs that a lot of these restrictions are going to be lifted or. You know, getting something, but, you know, are, are, are these different places to different restaurants? Are they, are they open for takeout right now? Can people order food and get it are, you know, are, do you also sell, also sell your brew through there as well? So people wanted to get, you know, maybe. 

You know, a six pack of your, of your brew with dinner that can do that. How do, how is this working out? 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:21:51] Yeah. So obviously we had to spin really fast. when the shutdown started in March. And so we really developed our, our carry out program all across the board. and in so far it’s worked out pretty well, you know, it’s, it took a while for people to transition into. Okay. I’m sick of the fast food or the pizza at this point in time. Now I want to see what else is out there. 

And that’s when they start really getting to those local restaurants that they used to go to and sit down, but wouldn’t think about having carry out. And so we had to spin up real quick on to get a program together, trying to get a carry out menu that would work. Cause there’s some items you just don’t want to carry out. You know, you don’t want to eat French fries are very hard and carry out the last, by the time they get home, they’ll get cold and they’re no good from there. So, you know, we had to adjust and do different things. We do. 

weekly, lasagna special, let’s say, you know, just panel lasagna. We do, our award-winning ribs, which travel real well. We do a prime rib on the weekends. my locations and Elma in St. John’s do some weekend specials as well. Just to try to get something different for the guests that want to get that carry on from there, we’ve started a couple of locations with online ordering. 

So that was new. We had to, we had to run to get to that as soon as possible. We didn’t have that. So if there’s any good news about the shutdowns, it made us rethink how to sell our products, our food items, and beer to our guests. And so I guess that we’ve looked at that in different ways, curbside service. 

Rearranging how our phone systems ring, if it gets busy and it goes into a queue system instead of being, being put on hold. We’ve had to get more growlers in howlers Nim. So those are the half gallon jugs and a half of a half a gallon jug. And that people can bring in and refill with beers. We’ve actually added a canning, system. 

To our locations, you can go and you can actually get a 16 ounce can of our product. So you just want to can, boom, boom. We put in the machine, it seems it up and out the door. It goes. So we just had, again, we had to pivot and transition to how can we get our products out to our, our guests and the most convenient package possible. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:23:53] Right. Excellent. Yeah. And hopefully, you know, once again, once this interview errors, that’s a lot of these restrictions will be lifted. and thanks for you. 


Jim Holton, Mountain Town Restaurant Group: [00:24:01] we think it will, you know, as summer comes around as the vaccines take hold. 

You know, and we feel that once the weather gets close to warming up, we’re talking April-ish may that really, we have to figure out how to get our outdoor dining up and going, because we know that we’ll probably be fully open at least. And so we need to pivot and get into that as well. So we ordered new tables, different things like that. To get that to, to get outside more as what we’re going to do. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:24:28] Wow. That was even something that I, I hadn’t even really considered, but yeah, more and more people are pushing for outdoor dining. So yeah, you’ve got to, you’ve got to kind of restructure how you’re, how you’re doing your business to be able to accommodate that. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:24:39] Absolutely the state of Michigan. Opened up grant programs for aid in helping. For outdoor dining. So they gave us some funding to purchase outdoor rooms. We, we bought a bunch of outdoor heaters. We bought outdoor cooking equipment. We, we bought, tables and chairs, things like that. So we bought items to go outside. So when this is ready to go, 

They’re all stored right now in warehouse, we can bring them to crack them open and get them going as soon as possible. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:25:04] Nice. Nice. Excellent. So, 

If. If people want to connect with you online followed is what you’re doing. Stay up to date as to like what specialist you’re going, or, you know, when these restrictions are being lifted, you know, and your different restaurants or being open what’s, what’s the best way for them to do that. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:25:22] You know, our, our best platform so far has been Facebook. And every one of our restaurants has a Facebook page, whether it’s mountain town, station, somewhat smokehouse, Elmo brewing company St. John’s brewing company in Camille’s prime. So they’re all out there and they all enter tied together. So you will be able to link from the different pages, but that’s how we get out. 

As much as possible or have been during this pandemic. to get the word out, what we have going on. Obviously all our restaurants have are I have a website as well, but we find the real-time up-to-date stuff in comments. And getting back to you with questions that you might have would be through our Facebook pages. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:25:57] Okay, excellent. And for audience, we will have all those links in the show notes down below. Jim, thanks so much for taking time to be on the podcast today. I really do appreciate it. And I look forward to actually try and all of your places. Cause I’m, I’m, I’m hungry already. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:26:12] We will need your business Cliff and we will need your, your, listeners business as soon as possible.

Cliff Duvernois: [00:26:17] Yes indefinitely. Man, if it was up to me, you guys be open today. 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:26:22] So the one they leave you is just make sure no matter where you are support the local restaurants. You know, take that time. If they’re still close to get, carry out at least once a week from them, that makes a heck of a difference. Just even that once a week, we’ll do it for them to get them through this hard time, because when they’re gone, they could be gone forever. And we don’t want that. 

Cliff Duvernois: [00:26:40] Amen to that brother.

Cause I, if there’s one thing that I really do appreciate, and that is especially after a hard week is going out somewhere and just having a good quality meal with, either. You know, well, I’m definitely looking forward to trying your bruise, but you know, we need a glass of wine or one of your, one of your bruise. So yeah, I’m really looking forward to that. So, 

Jim Holton, Mountain Town Group: [00:26:58] Thank you very much.